Dixie's Blog
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Friday, February 15, 2008

Chapter 103~M I Test

Click to view my Personality Profile page

12:41 AM

Chapter 102~ my personality test

Click to view my Personality Profile page

12:34 AM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chapter 11~ School

I miss SAJS, i miss my students, but i dun knw if they miss me as much as i do.
during cny, i went back and i saw them, i really miss them. i recalled the last time that i enjoy going to school. they are the days in SAJS, in NIE , i am always dragging my feet there.. not that i dun have any friends there , but things that i dun enjoy doing.. i thought .. i will enjoy studying.. obviously i dun. but i knw i have to work hard because that's the way for me o continue teaching.. AND I WILL PERSEVRE..
last year, i brought my boys to perth and when we returned, and gettin ready to leave the school to nie.. i was super dejected, i know i wont forget this group of boys, as they are my very first group of students.. they are just like my brothers to me..but i was a student before. i dun realli rmb some of my teachers, so i learnt not to expect them to rmb me.. but t0 me, i wont wan to forget them.. perhaps... perhaps.. i am crazy but i wouldnt wan my teacher to forget me... haiz... love me love my school.

i dun knw wat i am typing.. i am really crazy...


Happy Valentine's Day to all
Muacks! Lub lub ! and Hug hug!!

9:18 PM

Friday, February 01, 2008

Chapter 100~我也是个人

如果我的乐观,我的无知,我的什么也不管的attitude,让你误会了,让你忘了, 我也是个不同人,我向你道歉

你可以体谅一个搭了1.5 小时车子的人吗?
我知道。。。 这么多的体谅和希望,不管是谁在当时都很难做出对的决定。。。。但是有一件事希望你能了解的是。。。她也很疼你这个妹妹。。。她也一点也不希望把事情搞得那么糟。。 或许你不会看到这篇博客。。但是他还是有句话想告诉你

她在回家的路上,发现原来自己的心情似乎和天气有很大的关系。。。 或许她的前世跟彩虹、云、太阳、月亮、星星有关。。。 所以希望当你发现窗外正下着雨的时候,你能关心一下这个她。

4:11 AM